Cream Cheese Cookies

Cream Cheese CookiesI know what you’re thinking – what am I doing putting cream cheese in cookies!? Well, I recently got the Food52 Baking cookbook and knew I had to try this recipe as soon as I saw it. C’mon, only five ingredients and one of them is cream cheese…yes please! Somehow both chewy and crunchy at the same time, they’re delicious – just trust me on this one. Scroll down for more pictures, hope you enjoy!

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Easy Peanut Butter Cookies

Easy Peanut Butter CookiesDo you like peanut butter and cookies and no mess? Or, are you are looking for something quick and easy? Either way, this recipe is right for you. It’s got three ingredients and is possibly the easiest cookie recipe I’ve ever encountered – the hardest part is getting the peanut butter out of the measuring cup! Scroll down for more pictures, hope you enjoy!
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Serge’s Famous Oatmeal Cookies

Serge's Famous Oatmeal cookiesThere is a big age difference between my sister and I, but every summer for the past six years I dutifully pile into the car with my parents and share the backseat with my 60 lbs dog to visit her at overnight camp on Visitor’s Day. She is the type of kid that lives for camp and everything related to it, so when I got my hands on her camp’s head chef’s secret recipe for his famous cookies she freaked out to say the least and they are now a staple in our house. Hope you enjoy! Continue reading

Wicked Whoopie Pies

Whoopie PiesI was house/offspring sitting again and since I had the help, decided to tackle a recipe I’ve always wanted to try – whoopie pies! Traditional recipes have a marshmallow filling, but we used cream cheese icing because my ‘baking assistant’ loves it and we didn’t feel like going out to buy Fluff. We made them and even though we both bake a lot, we were shocked at how good they were. The only downside is that because you put two together, it only makes 12 servings and you’re going to want more! Continue reading

Cookie Cutter Perfect Sugar Cookies

Oscar sugar cookieI was asked to make cookies for a friend’s Oscar party so I found this recipe that is perfect for using cookie cutters. I couldn’t find a Oscar award shaped cookie cutter in such a short time period, so I got one 3D printed – it is so cool! A huge thank you to Klever at DreamQii for printing it for me. These cookies are great for all shapes, sizes and toppings, hope you enjoy! Continue reading

Gold Medal Maple Cream Cookies

Maple cream cookieI love maple. Credit it to being 6th generation Canadian, or just to maple syrup being delicious, but I’d drink the stuff if I could. I’m also obsessed with the Olympics, so when we had a party at the office to watch the gold medal Women’s Ice Hockey game, Canada vs. USA, I brought these in and they were a huge (and appropriate) hit! Maybe you’ll make them for the Canada vs. Sweden Men’s game tomorrow, hope you enjoy! Go Canada Go!! Continue reading

My Favourite Chocolate Chip Cookies

Milk and cookiesHappy New Year! I want to start off by wishing you all a great year ahead and luck with all of your resolutions. I didn’t make a weight loss or sugar reduction resolutions because, let’s be honest, that wouldn’t be so successful when I have a baking blog. But, one of my resolutions this year is to devote more energy to my My Nana’s Kitchen, as it seems like you all out there Continue reading